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Illustrators Ireland is a non-profit organisation that supports the development of Illustration in Ireland by showcasing the work of our members and fostering links with similar organisations at home and abroad. As a professional organisation we aim to raise the profile of Irish illustration as a dynamic and cutting edge art form, as well as promoting the work and skills of our individual members.

Our Team

Illustrators Ireland is run by a Board of Directors made up of illustrator members (currently six), who volunteer their time for the organisation.

If you want to contact us we suggest you try our:

Promotions Officer (promotions@illustratorsireland.com)

Membership Officer (membership@illustratorsireland.com)

or, for any general information or commissions:

Web Officer (info@illustratorsireland.com)

We always try to get back as soon as we can, but at busy times, it can take a little longer for us to respond due to limited volunteer time. Thank You for your patience.

Illustrators Ireland Child Protection Statement & Policy 2023


Child Protection Statement

As Illustrators Ireland does not work directly with Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults, Illustrators Ireland is not deemed to be a relevant service. However, as Illustrators Ireland recognise the importance of child safety and the Children First Act 2015 the statement below has been adopted:

Children and Young People: Anyone under the age of 18 years Vulnerable Adult: Anyone over the age of 18 who is

  • In need of community care services
  • Unable to care for themselves
  • Unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation


Illustrators Ireland does not work directly with Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults. However, Illustrators Ireland will look at all event activities and see if an event outside of our policy of not working directly with Children, Young People or Vulnerable Adults poses any risk to these groups before proceeding further. Illustrators Ireland will then think about the below before taking any action on events outside the policy:

Consider if the event or activity is suitable and how relevant it is to our mandate to represent and support the needs of individual illustrators. If it is considered that the event or activity will add to our mission, Illustrators Ireland will:

  1. Identify suitably qualified contractors who are fully compliant with the Child Protection Policies of the commissioning body to deliver the event.
  2. and/or Appropriate training will be provided to a member or external party who will potentially come into contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults. The level of training required will be identified in accordance with the responsibilities of the post. Illustrators Ireland will refer to TUSLA resources for up to date information and policies.

In the case members are in circumstances where they may have direct contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults, Illustrators Ireland will ensure that they do not work alone and are accompanied at all times by a person either designated to work with children, young people or vulnerable adults, or at the minimum a person of authority representing Illustrators Ireland.

Illustrators Ireland takes no responsibility for members or any illustrator or individual who are not working in an official capacity on behalf of the organisation. However, Illustrators Ireland recognises that its members and other visual artists require guidance and information in the area of Child Protection, and will inform the membership about the TUSLA Children First E-Learning Programme so that artists are fully aware of their responsibilities should they choose to undertake work in this area.


This Statement & Policy will be reviewed if circumstances change.

This policy was adopted on 20th December 2023 by the Board of Directors, Illustrators Ireland.


Illustrators Ireland shares the values of VAI (Visual Artists Ireland) and is supportive of the VAI Policy of Respect and Fairness (Anti Bullying Policy) to create a coherent standard and to help ensure a safe space to create for artists and illustrators.

Any Illustrator or Artist can learn more via the Dignity at Work Programme the great resource Safe to Create initiative.

Illustrators Ireland Anti Bullying Policy


Illustrators Ireland is a volunteer run organisation. Our members are from a diverse range of backgrounds and IGI welcomes all artists equally who successfully have had their application approved after fulfilling membership criteria and a professional judging process. 

When IGI arranges projects, events or exhibitions, members are encouraged to express their own artistic practice. This code of conduct does not refer to members arts practice but to the running of Illustrators Ireland as a professional organisation.

As an inclusive organisation, IGI does not take a particular position in any subject matter but invites all members artistic expressions which enables freedom of speech and expression.

Illustrators Ireland does not take responsibility or necessarily share the values of each individual member, but Illustrators Ireland remains a neutral body encouraging freedom of artistic expression for all.

Code of Conduct for Members

To create a coherent framework for artists, Illustrators Ireland supports Visual Artists Ireland’s (VAI) approach to an artists’ Code of Conduct, and have adapted a very similar Code of Conduct for its members to create a sustainable framework for the arts community to create a standard for artists and illustrators in Ireland.:

Illustrators Ireland is a non profit organisation and only exists and functions as a result of the voluntary efforts of its members. Membership of Illustrators Ireland carries with it an obligation to engage with the ongoing enterprises of the group for example discussions, exhibitions and other events relying on volunteer time. The following are a set of guidelines by which Illustrators Ireland members are expected to follow:

The members of Illustrators Ireland come from a very wide range of political and personal belief systems and include members from Ireland and members from other countries living and working in Ireland.

Illustrators Ireland treats all our members equally and strives to act independently and impartially to the disciplines, beliefs, approaches, and nationalities of our membership and concentrates on celebrating illustration through member exhibitions as well as promoting and informing about illustration to support our members in their professional careers. 

Our decisions and comments will always be based on this. It is for this reason that we don’t align with political parties and other movements that are outside of the career of illustrators, though we may agree with policies of specific groups where these impact illustrators in their careers. The Code of Conduct is based on Illustrators Ireland’s legal obligations and to ensure that Illustrators Ireland creates a space in which members, and the board of directors can operate in a safe and trusted manner and space.

1. Responsibility and accountability

You should be aware of the ethical, legal and professional responsibilities of Illustrators Ireland and avoid personal and professional misconduct that might bring Illustrators Ireland into disrepute. To achieve this members should:

Illustrator Ireland Portfolio

  • Members should have a basic understanding of how to log in with the details provided, manage and update their own portfolio on the Illustrators Ireland portfolio page by themselves.
  • Members should maintain your portfolio on the Illustrators Ireland website, and are required to update it at least once every six months.
  • Members agree to indemnify Illustrators Ireland as an organisation, its board of directors and all other members from any disagreement, arbitration or actions resulting from illegality, negligence, infringement of copyright or any other rights of any third party resulting from their actions. All materials created or supplied by Members remain their personal responsibility at all times.
  • Members give Illustrators Ireland permission to share their artwork solely for the purpose of promoting their work and practice as an illustrator/animator/artist – across all our social media channels and on the Illustrator Ireland website.
  • Members warrant that all their artwork uploaded or shared through the Illustrator Ireland social media channels shall not infringe the copyright or other intellectual property rights or any other rights (including rights of privacy and confidentiality) of any third party anywhere in the world.
  • Members indemnify Illustrators Ireland against any cost incurred or claim brought against Illustrator Ireland for actual or alleged infringement of a third party’s intellectual property rights arising from the publishing of artwork on the Illustrator Ireland website and social media channels..


  • Members should encourage and support other members in the development of their professional careers. Members are encouraged to respect the right for members to have different values to your own.
  • Members declare that they are creating original work and that they are the sole creator of the illustrations they publish on the Illustrators Ireland website and that they own the right to publish these.
  • Members declare that they are the creator of their work and that they have not exclusively used generative AI to create work submitted, published to Illustrators Ireland or work entered into projects and exhibitions organised by Illustrators Ireland. 
  • Members are encouraged to advance public knowledge of, and understanding of Illustrators Ireland and to counter false or misleading statements which are detrimental to the work of Illustrators Ireland, and to the illustration and the wider community.
  • Members will not misrepresent Illustrators Ireland nor the work undertaken by Illustrators Ireland. Where required you will ensure that clear context is in place for any statements about Illustrators Ireland and its work. 
  • Members should not speak in the name or on behalf of Illustrators Ireland, or our board of directors without authorisation to avoid confusion to external parties.
  • Members’ opinions are important to us, but such opinions may conflict with the work of Illustrators Ireland. At such times, you are asked to act in a manner that is collegiate and open to understanding.
  • Members should submit where there is news or events relating to their work, and be open to participate in professional features or articles to contribute to a vibrant illustration community.
  • Members should promote the Illustrators Ireland website as best you can, including providing a link to illustratorsireland.com on their own website and/or email where possible.
  • Illustrators Ireland provides a model terms and conditions document and an estimate form which members are encouraged to use. In any case, members should ensure that the licensing agreement between the illustrator and the client is clear to both parties and is confirmed in writing at the outset of a job. This can protect both the illustrator and the client in any given disagreement.
  • Members shall always make sure that they are contactable in some way during the course of a job. Ideally, clients should be informed of any impending periods of unavailability.
  • All information and correspondence between client and illustrator are confidential and should be treated as such, save in the case of a dispute.
  • Members must ensure that they adhere to the delivery deadlines set out at the beginning of the job. The client should be consulted if there is any expectation that the delivery time will be exceeded.
  • Members are expected to educate themselves about, and if necessary discuss with the client, the principles of copyright, contract and licensing.
  • Members must adhere to any licensing agreements entered into with clients.
  • Where the brief is loose and unspecific, the likelihood is that changes will be made at the roughs stage. Members should be agreeable to such changes when they are of a reasonable nature.
  • Extra fees should be added to the final bill, only if significant changes are made to the brief.
  • Members should not undertake unpaid speculative work. Of course, self-promotional work is necessary and doesn’t apply in this case.
  • Members should adhere to Illustrators Ireland’s Social Media Policy.

2. Integrity and Honesty

Members should:

  • Endeavour to be proficient in the running of their businesses and act in an honourable and honest way. Members’ behaviour reflects on Illustrators Ireland membership as a whole.
  • Be honest and accurate in representing their professional profile, including such matters as knowledge, skill, training, education and professional experience. Take reasonable steps to ensure that your qualifications and competencies are not misrepresented by others.
  • Be honest and accurate in conveying professional conclusions and opinions.

3. Respect and Fairness (Anti Bullying Policy)

Illustrators Ireland share the values of VAI and we are committed to maintaining and promoting a collegiate community in which people treat each other with dignity and respect. You should not discriminate against, bully or harass others on the basis of: cultural and role difference, including (but not exclusively) those involving age, disability, education, ethnicity, gender, language, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital or family status and socio-economic status. You should respect the knowledge, insight, experience and expertise of fellow members, (regardless of career stage and length of membership) relevant third parties, and members of the general public.

We recognise as bullying, behaviour that may be characterised as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient. Bullying does not need to be deliberate; someone may demonstrate bullying behaviour, which falls within the above definition, without intending it. Whatever form it takes, bullying is unwarranted and unwelcome, and can cause embarrassment, fear, humiliation or distress to an individual or group of individuals. Bullying often results from a misuse of individual power derived from status/position, physical strength or force of personality. It can also follow from collective power arising out of a strength of numbers.

We recognise as harassment any unwelcome verbal or physical behaviour, including sexual advances, when the unwanted conduct has the purpose or effect of either violating another person’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person. Harassment does not need to be deliberate; someone may harass another person without intending to. In some situations, where the unwanted conduct is serious, a single incident may constitute harassment. In other situations, conduct may become harassment if it is repeated or sustained.

The following list provides examples of the types of behaviour which can amount to harassment, although the list is, by no means, exhaustive:

  • Unwelcome physical contact or physical interaction: This may range from unnecessary touching or brushing against another’s body, physical assault, coercive sexual relations, physical threats, insulting or abusive behaviours or gestures. It may also encompass invading someone’s “personal space” by standing very close to him/her where this is unnecessary.
  • Unwelcome verbal conduct: This may include the making of remarks and comments about appearance, lewd comments, sexual advances, innuendo and banter, the making or repetition of offensive or stereotyped comments, jokes or songs, the making of threats and the making of patronising comments.
  • Unwelcome written or visual interaction: This may include sending unwelcome emails, notes or pictures, and displaying or sending offensive material on any Illustrator Ireland social media/websites/blogs etc. See  Illustrator Ireland Social Media Policy for further details.

Harassment, bullying and victimisation of members and board of directors, or by staff, board of directors, members by electronic methods

Given the current reliance upon electronic means of communication it should be specifically noted that harassment, bullying and victimisation by electronic means is also unacceptable. For example, this might involve:

  • Sending emails (with or without attachments) which breach the terms of this Code.
  • Inappropriate copying of emails to parties not seen as relevant to the discussion, as a way of intimidating or inappropriately gaining leverage over other members, guests, volunteers or staff.
  • Using social media to bully or harass other members and the general public.

Illustrators Ireland may request to end an engagement if they feel uncomfortable due to any of the above. In extreme cases, a request for the expulsion of a member may be put to the board of directors.

Illustrators Ireland has legal obligations as an organisation. You must ensure that all interactions with Illustrators Ireland are in keeping with current laws and best practices. As Illustrator Ireland relies on volunteer work, Members are requested to respect Illustrators Ireland No Blame culture. This is a recognition that people are human and make mistakes, and as long as the mistakes are not intentional or in conflict with the other policies in place in the organisation, and can be turned into opportunities for learning, we do not make judgement on each other as all Illustrator Ireland activities rely on volunteer work.

4. Privacy and Confidentiality

Members should respect the individual and collective rights to privacy and maintain confidentiality in compliance with GDPR and Irish/EU law and regulations.

5. Avoidance of Personal Gain

Members should neither offer nor accept bribes or inducements either on a personal basis or on behalf of Illustrators Ireland.

Members should not seek to have personal gain, financially, reputationally, or professionally or act in the name of Illustrators Ireland without authorisation from the board of directors.

6. Conflict of Interest

Members should declare to the Illustrators Ireland board of directors any competing professional or personal interests that may be pertinent to your activities within Illustrators Ireland and Illustrators Ireland-supported events and working groups. All activities undertaken in the Illustrators Ireland name must be consistent with our mission to promote illustration and fostering links to like minded organisations in Ireland and overseas.

If a conflict of interest does arise, you must inform the Illustrators Ireland Directors immediately and the matter becomes apparent and should take the following actions:

  • abstain from the activity in question
  • stand down/withdraw from the activity in question.

Failure to do so, may lead to the imposition of actions, including a ban on attendance/participation at specific Illustrators Ireland events or activities and ultimately termination of membership.

7. Personal Missions

Illustrators Ireland acts as an advocate for illustration. It does this through engagement with a wide range of parties. Illustrators Ireland aims to be objective and inclusive in our member events and welcomes all disciplines of illustration.

Members should not assume Illustrators Ireland’s support for any Advocacy programmes that have not been passed by the board of directors and approved, or which do not carry the Illustrators Ireland name. Although members may have advocacy areas akin to Illustrators Ireland work, they should not assume support and should make contact with Illustrators Ireland asking for support before making any public declaration of Illustrators Ireland support. This ensures that they can be made fully aware of the current status of Illustrators Ireland’s work in these areas. Advocacy may require specific approaches, and when negotiations are in an advanced stage, Illustrators Ireland may consider other approaches to be damaging to the status of their work.

8. Membership fees and Lapsed Members Policy

Membership fees are paid annually with payment due the 31st of May. For the Membership to be active the Membership fee needs to be paid in full for each Membership year. The membership subscription is running from the 1st of June to 31 of May the following year. If a member’s membership expires, and they choose to rejoin, they will have to go through the selection process again and have their application assessed by the membership judges. Their join date/expiration dates will be changed to reflect the new month/year of when they rejoined.

A member will be deemed to be lapsed, and not eligible for membership benefits on the first full day following their renewal date if payment has not been received and recorded.

Illustrators Ireland aims to open for membership renewals during 1st of October – last day of December each year. Membership applications are reviewed in January/February the following year. Our Membership Officer will get back to applicants on the status of your application.

A member joining for the first time, or renewing a lapsed membership, will not be considered as a member of Illustrators Ireland until they have been provided with confirmation from the Membership Officer.

Lapsed members who do not pay their annual subscription fee will be deemed to be a former member if the payment is not received within 2 months of their renewal date. Former members will be deemed eligible for deletion from the membership database, groups and portfolio profile after that date. 


This Code of Conduct specifies principles to which all Illustrators Ireland members should adhere. It is intended to encourage trust and respect within our community. While the Code is comprehensive, it may not cover every issue that may arise. If you have any queries concerning the content and/or situations contact the Directors who will listen and discuss to resolve your concerns. Illustrators Ireland reserves the right to update the Code of Conduct for Members at any time. Illustrators Ireland wish for all artists and illustrators to be able to create and continue to develop their professional arts practice and has therefore referenced VAI (Visual Artists Ireland’s) code of conduct to create a coherent framework for artists and illustrators working in Ireland.